Born in 1985 in the south of England Carly is the creative entity on board Cadoha.
Carlys travel bug started at a young age with her mother working for an airline and a father who was so devoted to his career that she didn't see as much as she'd of liked, yet he always took her and her brother off on trips around the world to make the most of the precious time they did spend together.
In her own words

I'm sure I can speak , not just for myself, but for most kids that experience this, but no-one ever wants their parents to split up, it's not ideal, but as breakups go, my parents always got on really well and remain friends to this day, which is lovely to be able to have everyone get together and everyone gets on. Growing up it did also have some upsides, mostly the fact that as kids we would end up getting two family holidays a year rather than one, and we were lucky enough to get to go to so many amazing places.
We got to explore much of Europe as kids, and then as we started to get older, we'd be taken further afield to locations such as New York to see the Guggenheim, Florida to see Micky Mouse, Miami to stand on Versace's doorstep, Thailand, Dubai, Las Vegas, Bali, Caribbean, and even back to the Canaries, to go sailing! 😁⛵️
As I grew up, left home and started to earn my own money, I still wanted to see the world and so continued my travels to even further flung destinations, such as Southern Africa, Australia, and even venturing high up into the mountains of Eastern Europe. I traveled with friends or on my own, sometimes these trips were meticulously planned, other times they were completely spontaneous, but they were always exciting.
I do still get to flex my creativity on this adventure, I often find myself drawing or painting some of the places we find ourselves in. I'm really excited about our Patreon Post project, not only will I get to create new and interesting post cards as we travel, but I'll also get to continue to work on my photography and look forward to being able to share these creations with others, people who also want to have a little part of this adventure, to have and hold, sent to them from wherever we are in the world at the time.
This is certainly an adventure of a lifetime, one that I'm nervous, a little scared by, and extremely excited about, all at the same time. It's so lovely to be able to share it with others, in videos, blogs, post cards and art. I feel very fortunate to be in this position, to have such a support group of friends and family around us as we take on what seems like a mammoth challenge. I hope you all enjoy coming along with us.

As well as exploring the world, my other passion has always been of a creative nature. Art, design, architecture. I've always been fascinated with other creative minds and seeing how their ideas manifest into the world. I feel at home in an art gallery or marvelling at a beautiful building. I was lucky enough to find work that fulfilled both of my passions in life, I was an award winning display designer in Windsor (England) after which I was contracted to freelance for people all over the world. From large highstreet stores to small pop up shops, I got to work in London, New York, Paris, Copenhagen and many other places. If I worked hard and fast enough, then more often than not I'd have a day or so free to go out and explore some of the places I was lucky enough to find myself working in.
The one thing I always wished I had more of in these places was time, to slow down and really take everything in. It's one of the things that really appeals to me about sailing, slowing down and allowing myself to absorb the culture that we find ourselves in.