For anyone who may be unsure, I am the glue that keeps this crew together. I'm also the reason anyone even tunes in, and these two best not forget it!
My name is, Hank and I'm a Hungarian Vizsla. I was born in February 2017, and share the same birthday as my human mum, which is great because I always get spoiled with cake, fresh bones and long walks, along with Carly, of course.
I originally hail from the mountainous Lake District region in northern England and life on board is certainly very different to life in the mountains, but we're always off on exciting adventures and life is always so full of fun and excitement that I forgive them for cramping my style.
As hooomans go, these two are alright, and eventually, with enough work, I think I could teach them to be cool too.
Well, maybe, it's good to aim high.