How To Support This Project
If you would like to help support this project then there are multiple ways you can do so, by far the most effective way to help is to join the amazing Cadoha Community over on Patreon, which you can find here.
I think it's only right to clearly define our mission, so you know exactly what you would be helping to develop. Our goal whilst living on a sailing boat full-time is to visit, explore and then showcase these amazing places in the best light that we have the skills to know how. We always strive to improve our equipment and skillset for capturing the true beauty that this life can offer, then share these amazing destinations with the rest of the world here and on YouTube.

The second part of our mission is to build out our 'Anchorages Webpage'. With your help we aim to build a truly useful tool for others to be able to use, to help them plan their adventures around these great British Isles.
Our hope is that we can build something together which will be of use not only to new cruisers to the area but also to the local fledgling cruisers who are getting braver and wanting to start venturing out to 'proven anchorages'.
With your help and support we will be able to dedicate more time and resources to this endeavour and continuously improve upon what we've already started to build (ourselves) by earning enough money to employ web-design specialists to really help put the finishing touches on things and to drag our somewhat simple web design skills into modernity.
This all costs money and our goal is to keep this resource free and open for anyone to use, forever, so we fund what we can, when we can. Basically the more support we get, the faster we can build this project out.
If that sounds like a cause you can get behind then be sure to head over to join the rest of our super awesome team of mega-stars, over on our Patreon Page.
Also, if you haven't already done so, subscribing to our YouTube channel really helps the project grow and be sure to jump in the comments on the videos and say hi.
How Do We Otherwise Fund This Project?
Simply put, we work! Our year is a year of two clear halves. In the warmer months we set sail and start visiting, exploring, documenting and sharing some of the most breathtaking places that we've ever been to. During this time we're busy working too, with filming, editing, producing videos, as well as building the website out too.
When the weather starts to get cooler, however, and the sailing fund is running on fumes, we both head back to shore in search of gainful employment and work all winter. Both Carly and I are very hands-on workers, believe it or not neither one of us are keyboard jockeys, we both work with in very manual labour roles, which means we need to go to a place of employment and put the hours in. We've been very lucky, truth be told, in that we've not only always managed to find work, but we've had the good fortune of working with experts in the marine industry in many capacities which has meant that as well as earning a wage to re-build the sailing fund, we've also picked up so many valuable skills along the way too.
Lastly we help fund this project with our online shop which you can find here. We mostly sell handmade (by Carly) dog leads and collars, ,made from up cycled running rigging.
This humble little endeavour started life simply because I (Dominic) kept losing Hanks dog leads when I'd take him out on a walk and getting tired of having to keep buying new ones, Carly made simple slip leads out of some old running rigging. The shop further evolved from there and there's always new items coming available, mostly depending on what ropes we can get our hands on that riggers around the coast very kindly gift to us.
Our Online Shop