Patreon Post Cards
We really love the idea of directly supporting people who we get value from, be that informational value, or entertainment.
We're also a couple of nostalgic old romantics too, and remember the 'good old days' of receiving a post card or letter in the mail. Who doesn't love getting something in the mail?
This is what gave us the idea of the 'Patreon Post Card'.

Now there are already so many great, no, amazing channels out there all providing cool incentives for supporting their endeavours to make really entertaining content, and as such, the money they raise enables them to invest in both equipment and their skills to improve the quality of the content they put out, for our enjoyment, which is great!
We love this concept and even support several people who we would hate to see disappear due to lack of funds, as they genuinely provide us with a tangible enjoyment value. We get more value out of many creators content than we do from say a Subway sandwich, and so we happily chip in the price of B.L.T to those who we enjoy the most.
We've decided to do something a little different, we'd like to personally say thank you to anyone who's been kind enough to support the channel, for helping us to be able improve the quality of our content, to invest more time in the development of our skills, improve our filming equipment, and not worry so much about gong back to our day jobs for quite as long when the project funds run out, so that we can bring you even closer to the adventure, for longer.

If you're willing to support us on our adventure then at the very least we would love to personally say thank you, with your own, hand written postcard, sent from where ever we are in the world, and know that no two postcards are ever the same, we always grab fresh batches from wherever we happen to be next.
We both love receiving mail from friends and family, and no doubt we're not alone in that. There's something infinitely more satisfying about opening a hand written letter than there is opening an email.
So if you want to join our friends and family, help the channel go from strength to strength, if you get as much enjoyment out of an episode as you would a cup of coffee, or a magazine from the shop, then be sure to check out how to join our Patreon Post Channel Supporters Here.
It means the world to us, and the least we can do in return is to personally say thank you to each and every one of you, by hand, every month 😁⛵️🐾