Sharing The Journey
One of the most amazing things about the time we all live in is the ease in which we can all share information. From music, to educational material that once upon a time meant needing to attend a red brick university, to an immense diversity of entertainment option available to us, be that Hollywood blockbuster levels of production or tiny independent creators sharing their artistic endeavours. YouTube has been a source of so much knowledge and joy for us and now we can add to the options too, by sharing our adventure.

Season 1
Season one starts off with us accidentally falling into making videos, and for the first couple of episodes we're just clumsily trying to record what we're up to from our phones, but after the 4th video we made went 'viral' and got over 100,000 views (which for us and our 92 subscribers was crazy viral) a load of subsequent subscribers turned up and we decided to work on making videos that would be (hopefully) more enjoyable for people to watch who weren't possibly as forgiving and friends and family.
This series takes us from complete novices with no boat, to finding a boat up in Scotland and sailing her back to the south of England, via the mighty Caledonian canal, over to Ireland, and then taking in the breathtaking south coast of Cornwall and Devon, in Summer, all the while learning as much as we could from our sailing mentor, our sailing 'Mr Miyagi', the legend that is, Capitano Edmundo.
To watch season 1, check out this link.
Season 2
Season 2 kicks off with is taking Cadoha out of the water to start getting her ready for the adventure ahead. We find out that there's a long list of things that both need doing, and that we want to do, in order to have the boat ready to set sail from the UK down to the Mediterranean.
We have a few unexpected surprises along the way, with lots of learning and growing as we go.
To watch season two, check out this link.
Corona Lock-down Diaries
As everyone is acutely aware, the year 2020 was struck by the Corona Virus pandemic. We, along with most people went into a state of government enforced lock down and isolation.
In this side series we share how we're getting through it, how we're attempting to remain productive and make the best out of what is a fairly rubbish situation, while realising that in the grand scheme of things that we're actually more fortunate than many people out there who are physically more vulnerable or perhaps don't know how they're going to even feed themselves as their money runs out.
This is our attempt at staying positive and in turn hopefully someone else can have a laugh at some of these videos? If you'd like to check them out then be sure to go to this link to watch them.
Season 3
Season 3 sees us head back our west along the coast and our mission is to get down to the legendary Isles of Scilly, renowned for their perfect beaches, gin clear, beautiful beaches and sub tropical climate.
Come and experience this amazing destination along with many others in this series. You can find the full series here:

Season 4
In season 4 our goal is to not only explore even more destinations which we've never visited but also to be much more self reliant after we've gone. Dominic decides to commit to seeing if he can become a capable spear fisherman having only briefly tried it for the first time the previous year, shortly after turning 40.
We get blown away once again by just how many stunning locations were waiting for us to explore so be sure to come and check these destinations out with us in this video series.

Winter 2022 - 2023
See what we got up to during the winter of 2022 through to early 2023 as we went back to land in search of work so that we could re-build the sailing fund as well as make some much needed repairs and upgrades to Cadoha.
In these videos here.
Season 5
Season 5 is just getting started now and this year our main objective is to get into as many new anchorages as we possibly can, all the while documenting and sharing them with you all and also organising each one in our all new 'anchorages section' on this website, which we hope in time can mature into a genuinely useful tool for planning your own adventures in this neck of the woods.